Meet Abby

As promised, here is the next of our 'chooks', Abby who is also new to our flock. We bought her at the same time as Dotty, last month. She is already laying regularly, about three out of every four days she lays a smallish brown egg. Note that her comb is well developed and bright red. She has beautiful eyes, unlike the beady avoricious raptor- like eyes of Nadia, who you will meet in the next post. Abby is a calm little chicken and fitted into the flock quite easily, maybe because there is another black hen, 'Amber', with whom she spends a lot of time . Together they roam around the orchard and the vegi garden, foraging for edibles. Like all the chooks, their favourite place of all is under the cherry trees. More about Amber in subsequent posts.
Abby is named after my eldest niece who lives in 'The Barossa'. Her family has had a few goes at keeping chickens, but they have bad dogs, so for the meantime they are 'chookless', but get to enjoy our chooks when they visit.
Next post - the dreaded 'Nadia', baddest chook of all!
abby is pretty
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