Nadia-The Baddest Chook of All

Here is Nadia, the baddest chook of all. Above, said chook seems to be grazing in all innocence, free range. But; she has escaped and found the forbidden gardens and has dug up newly planted bulbs. On the right, here she is in full flight, escaping through the cat flap after being busted eating the cats' food, again! She is very bad. A leader of the flock, if only she would use her powers for good! She is a mature hen and was rescued from the Mt Barker fodder store as a pullet where she was in a small cage, which as we now know is the only way to contain her. Imprisonment seems to have engendered a constant yearning for greater freedom, because from the day she was introduced to the flock, she has escaped regularly and has developed an increasing repertoire of evil deeds and is always willing to teach the other chooks the evil of her ways, although as yet, she has kept her knowledge of the catflap and cat food, to herself. Next post - 'Baby Hughie', the dumbest chook of all!
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