Amber-Oldest Chook of All

Amber is the senior matron of the flock and is almost six years old. She is such a good chook and is still a regular layer, producing about 4 large pale brown eggs each week. We hope she lives many more years. Our previous oldest chook was Nana, who lived to be 14 years old. Unfortunately we have no photos of her. Originally her name was Mae West but as she aged she became known as Nana, because she always looked after the youngest chooks and taught them the various food sources and that it was wise to be nervous of the fox near sunset. Amber has taken over this role since Nana went to that chook house in the sky, and clucks around the flock late in the afternoon and trys to round them up and take them home to the safety of their yard. Nadia always ignores her! Next post -Zoe - scraggiest chook of them all.
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