There is a small village in the Central Adelaide Hills of the Mount Lofty Ranges in the State of South Australia.
Above this village on the slope of one of the northerly spurs of Mt.Carey live some chooks, which is what chickens are known as in Australia.
As this blog develops you will experience the pleasure that we enjoy in the company of these mountain chooks.
Post by post, I will introduce you to our six chickens, (no roosters), and show you their world and the lives they live in their mountain home.
Today's post features 'Dotty', the newest chook. We bought her at the Lobethal Poultry Breeders' annual sale at the Mt Pleasant Showgrounds last month. She is young, just a pullet and she may be considered to be what is known as 'point of lay', because she hasn't laid an egg yet. Notice that her comb is small and not very colourful.
Dotty is shy and at the bottom of the pecking order but has learnt to fit in. I suspect she will make the older, bossier chooks sorry that they picked on her when she matures, because she looks like she is going to be a big chook.
Her name is derived from her breed, which is a lacy Wyandotte.
Also note the black head of 'Abby', Dotty's friend, in the corner of the photo. She is new also and will feature in my next post.