Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dotty Update

Several predictions from the first post about Dotty have come true. Firstly, she was on the point of lay and has recently laid her first, (and so far only), egg. A strange long slim elongated pale brown egg, too large to fit into an egg carton. Secondly, she has grown into a large chook and has learnt to fly and has used her powers of flight for evil, escaping the perfectly adequate foraging grounds in the orchard and vegi garden for the pleasures of the forbidden gardens. No more though, because she has had her wings clipped, literally. Finally, she has not been content to stay on the bottom of the pecking order now that she is a full grown egg producing woman of worldly experience and has started persecuting Amber. Amber seems more bemused than worried when Dotty chases her and generally just dodges her because Amber is more interested in eating than chook politics. As yet the other chooks seem oblivious to Dotty except to give her the occasional peck. Dotty is hilarious and runs full pelt everywhere, head down, bum up and looks like a mini velociraptor. I promised that the next post would show the chooks' luxurious home, but neglected to photograph it, so the next post will now be of the two orange girls playing in horse poo! Stay tuned!


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